Select the option below that best describes you
Do you find it hard to keep your papers and important files in order?
Do you lose track of deadlines and forget where you put things?
Do you feel confused about what documents you need for jobs, school, or other important tasks?
Do you wish someone would just tell you what you need to know to stay on top of your responsibilities?
Do you get frustrated trying to find reliable information about what you need to do?
If this sounds familiar click here to find out how you can stay organised and on top of your responsibilities
Are your students having trouble keeping track of important documents and deadlines?
Do they often misplace critical papers, leading to missed opportunities and unnecessary stress?
Do your students feel unprepared and unsure about the administrative tasks they need to handle, such as managing identification, banking, and job applications?
Are they missing out on important information that could help them stay on top of their responsibilities?
If this sounds familiar click here to discover how FileFit can help your students to become, education, work and life ready

Although designed to help students from Year 10 onwards File Fit is also ideal for anyone of any age who wishes to be fully independent and digitally organized with their personal administration.
In order to reduce the risk of your personal data being exposed to hackers we recommend you store your personal information individually on your own preferred cloud-based platform. Our User Guide will show you how to do this quickly and easily.
- A Resource Tool- to guide students and individuals of all ages through a variety of administration processes and help you understand your responsibilities as you transition towards full independence. File Fit will help provide you with accurate, timely information utilizing shared knowledge (Memory Joggers) as well as directly from reputable sources and Government agencies (Links).
- A Template- for setting up your own digital home office folders to store your important personal documents safely. This will enable you to access and fully customize your filing system anytime, anywhere in the world on your mobile phone.
- As A Digital Reminder List- the Reminder List function will help you instantly keep track of all your accounts to be paid or processed and link this directly to your personal calendar.
- To Improve Data Security- following all 3 recommended actions in the File Fit User Guide may help reduce the risk of losing all your personal documents in the event of a natural disaster, homelessness or the loss of your device.